Dwarf banana trees are expected to grow between 4 and 8 feet tall. They are easy to grow. It’s considered to be either an indoor or outdoor plant. The ideal temperature for the dwarf banana tree is 55 degrees and warmer.
I have my son to thank for this plant. The end of last spring he brought this plant home. Back then it looked sad- real sad! The price tag reads $26.00. That was not the price he paid for it. He was eyeing it for quite some time. Finally he asked the clerk how much it was. He could buy it for ten bucks. That’s what he did and now it looks beautiful. The clerk did mention he should replant it into a bigger pot. He did. To be honest I never thought it would grow. Adam just moved into his own apartment and left the tree with me on loan.
After searching the internet for the “how to care” for this dwarf banana tree, I realize the sprouts or shoots should be removed. Will do that shortly. The day Adam comes to pick his plant up, I will be rather disappointed. A green thumb I am not- but it’s been fun watching it grow!