Onions & Seeds

Onions & Seeds

onions and seeds
Onions & Seeds

I was walking in the yard last evening not really thinking of much. As I was passing my husband’s garden I noticed this odd plant. So later that evening I asked him what it was. He smiled sheepishly at me and asked me, “Why”. I am now really wondering what it is he’s growing! He has a couple rows of onions and he let five plants “seed”.

The next time you are walking through your yard, what do you see that you have overlooked? Is it interesting? Do you know what it is? If not, do a Google search. You may just be surprised at what you learn! Be sure to grab your camera and take a pic of it…..

Click for more information on growing onion seeds.

Tote Bags | I Just Love Tote Bags!

Tote Bags- I just love tote bags!

tote bags
Tote Bags

Yes, I am a grandmother! Actually I have found bags can really help with time management and organization. My collection is growing. Each tote has a different purpose. My pink tote in a
previous post is for carrying items associated with my granddaughter when we go out on our outings. The tote pictured above is my receptionist tote. Items I need throughout my work day I keep here and grab on the go in the mornings. A real time saver. Now each time I see a fun tote, I will most definitely consider how I can put it to use! Here are a couple links that I enjoy browsing for tote bags:

Lands’ End
