The Wishing Bench

Hi, it’s just been these last several months that I have devoted more time and energy with gmasDiary.com journal. During this time I have met new friends that I am excited to say I enjoy our online interactions. One of my questions was, how do I engage a larger viewing audience? One of the suggestions I received was adding a link to Bloglovin to gmasdiary.com.
Okay- many of you already know what Bloglovin is. But not me. I had to do a Google search to find out what it was and how to use it! If you happen to be new to the blogging online world and would like to know the how to’s check out this link.
A shout out to Grandma KC for the direction you have provided me as a new blogger. Thank you!
What steps have you taken to increase your blogging viewers?
Best Wishes,
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Hi, what a delight it was spending the day with my grand daughter. Last Saturday began at 6:30 am. That’s early for a weekend day for me! Jumped out of bed, took my shower, got dressed and off to see Brie I went. Mind, I never put on my makeup.
The collage above is a short story of our morning. Of course we needed a new selfie and I just loved how Brie was sitting with her cat, Boo at the door. My daughter has a membership with the local zoo. That was our adventure for the day.
After entering the zoo, there is this board scene with cut outs to stick your head through. I tried getting Brie to do this- no way. Couldn’t convince her. I’m not bashful here. There was a young family approaching the wall. The mother was arranging to take a picture of her two children and husband. I naturally offered to take the picture of all four of them. She was tickled and agreed to let me do so. Score!
Briella was intrigued. Once the family left, three collage aged girls stopped by and asked if I would take their picture. Certainly. Winner. Briella on her own went to the backside and stuck her head through. One of the collage girls offered to take our picture. I was happy! We were able to get two pictures of us- one was nice faces and the second was silly faces.
This zoo is large enough to feature elephants, hippos, bears, tropical birds and more- yet not so large to walk through all the exhibits. Just the right size for this grandma and grand daughter! We had a wonderful day together.
Wouldn’t you know- as I mentioned earlier, I walked out of the house with no make-up on. While at the zoo, I ran into several people I knew. Go figure. Away from the hometown and every time I turned around I was greeted by a neighbor or friend! Has something similar ever happened to you?
Best Wishes,