EXP: 1/320 sec; f/8; ISO 100
Tag: nature
Old Barn
An Old Barn.

Hi, I am cheating a bit. Supposed to be a Wordless Wednesday post- however, I was just so excited with these pictures of old farm buildings. Every day I drive by these and always say to myself, “I want to take pictures of this place.” Well last night was the night. The sun was just beautiful. Now I want to have enlargements made and hang on my wall! Below is the complete set of old farm pictures taken.
Best Wishes,
A Snowy Day
A Snowy Day.
Hi, it’s March and snowing! Last week it was spring, 70 and sunny. Not this weekend, 28 and snowy. A good day to stay in, making meatloaf and homemade oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips. My kind of day.
Kevin just put up the Martin bird house last week during our 70 degree Spring weather!

Easy to make moist oatmeal cookie recipe here.
I like adding chocolate chips to my oatmeal cookies. What do you add to yours?
Best Wishes,