Housework is not fun. May I repeat- housework is NOT fun, period.
BUT- I do love & enjoy hanging my clothes out on the clothesline to dry; especially the bed sheets. After making the bed and crawling under the covers at night- I take a deep breath and ahhhhh; I LOVE the fresh air smell. There is an art to hanging the clothes on the line.
Some people are of the opinion clotheslines are unsightly. It’s an art to hang the clothes so personal items are not flashing to passerby’s. See the image below:

My husband and I live out of town on acreage where neighbors can not look out their window and see our house/yard. Therefore, I am not as careful to “hide” my personal undergarment. Now I could have slid my whites over a bit to completely hide it from view. The left image is turned so if a car would pass by, this is what would be seen. Turning the unit 180 degrees is the right view. This side is always turned away from the road. We have roughly 20 acres behind the line. No one should have access to that view. It is possible to be discreet in hanging your clothes. During July and August, I use the clothesline for everything. During the Fall and Spring I use both the dryer and the clothesline. Bath towels and jeans go in the dryer for the fluff. Everything else goes out on the clothesline. For Winter (yes, Winter!) on the days it’s above 32, I will hang my sheets. Oh yes, this is really nice. With the house closed up the fresh air smell from the sheets is heaven!