My niece married a delightful young man- Paul, over the Labor Day weekend. Usually this time of year is hot. The day was beautiful; could not have asked for a better day! The celebration took place at Melvern Lake.

Of the weddings I have had the pleasure to photograph, I appreciate the groom NOT messing up the bride when it’s time for the cake table event. This in my opinion is not very nice. However- this one time has been an exception to my personal rule. Paul did smash cake into Becky’s face; but not bad.

The crowd cheered for him to eat the cake. AND he did!

Here are a few more of my personal favorites from the wedding.

Typically when I photograph this pose, it’s the bridesmaids who straighten out the train. Well the “ladies” were no where to be found. So I asked the men to assist. I just had to snap the image!
The full gallery can be viewed on the Galleries page.