I went to one of my personal favorite stores- Office Depot. Nerdy right? Well that’s me! I can spend hours in there just looking and dreaming. On this one particular trip I was looking for a simple calendar. One that I could just place one page of one month into my purse. I like making notes on my sheet than later in the evening transfer notes to my tablet. Strange I know, but it works for me. After much wandering thru Office Depot discovering calendars are not cheap, I went home and made my own simple calendar.
January 2014
To download a complete calendar year January 2014 thru January 2015 with US Holidays click here.
Have you ever wanted to create your own Photoshop brush? I have many shapes that I like, but find it much easier to use the brush tool. I have converted some of my favorite shapes and even designed a few originals of my own. If you use particular word groupings, these can be made into a brush. Do you have a logo? It can be made into a brush. I have put together a tutorial for making these brushes.
Click File – New
Name your brush, set size 3X3 inch @ 150 dpi with a transparent background- Click ok.
Be sure your font/design color is black.
Create a new layer.
Create your design using as many new layers as necessary.
Merge all layers. Do NOT flatten the image!
Choose edit – define brush preset.
Name your new logo/design brush – click ok.
Click on the paintbrush tool on the left of screen.
Look in your brush pallete at the very bottom. You will see your new brush in the last position.
Be sure to save your brush!
Click to download a pdf version of the Photoshop Creating a Brush Tutorial.
Thanksgiving Dinner 2013 was a blessed day for me. I spent the day with family- my husband, parents and children. This doesn’t happen to often these days. My father and daughter requested a different bird for the holiday. When my mom mentioned this to me, I was rather pleased with the suggestion. Our main dish was still a bird- can you guess what it was- see below:
If it were up to me, our tableware would have been the real easy kind to clean up. I call it my fine china. You would call it paper plates. I am so for real. Doing dishes is on my list of avoiding as much as possible! Now my mother, she just loves to decorate with her fine china. Yes, you will see the table in the image. Jane Ray dishes. These do not go into the dishwasher.
Jane Ray
How I enjoyed my mom’s home fried chicken, mashed potatoes, salads and banana bread on the beautiful table setting. A day I will always remember!
Thanksgiving Family Dinner
And little Miss Brie was worn out by the afternoon!