Hi, this may seem strange to you- but I just love things like a calendar! One of my all time favorite stores to shop is office depot. Yep, that’s right! I use the Google calendar on my phone for personal appointments and such. This is a really good application because whether I’m on my phone, tablet or home computer- I see the same calendar. The best feature of the application is the reminders. I use two of them- the SMS feature and email. Soon the SMS feature will be phasing out- bummer. But all the same the application is really good, especially since it’s free!
Another calendar I have been using is Calendar Creator Deluxe 12. How many of you use the Franklin Covey planners? The Calendar Creator program can create your calendar as refill pages for your Franklin. Now that’s nifty! Working with websites, I have often wanted to add a calendar of events.
Searching for the right one was becoming not easy at all. Whether it be some aspect of the program- not user friendly, the cost or the sheer appearance of the calendar, I was truly having a difficult time deciding on which program to buy. That’s when I went back into the Calendar Creator program and really took a good look at all of the features. The event tab in the main menu link above links to the months July thru December 31, 2015. The program exports as html. I did create an index.html page to contain the exported files. Centering the exported calendar html files- they were not centered. By creating the index.html page, I was able to center the calendar. If anyone is interested, this can be a different topic with more details explaining what I did and why.
While searching for a calendar program, I wanted something very simple that I could decorate as I wish. This program allows custom designs and comes with many different images. If you are wanting a user-friendly program, I recommend Calendar Creator 12. Please keep in mind there will be a learning curve to designing your first calendar. However this is the same for any new software program. The help section is really handy.
Each month I will post the current pdf calendar file. Simply click the calendar picture and the pdf file should download to your computer to print or save as.
Best Wishes,